What is a McKenzie Friend?

What is a McKenzie friend

What is a McKenzie Friend? ,  it is a legal word used by courts  to describe someone who can help litigants in person. The name comes from a case when a parent needed support and the barrister was not recognised in England.

If you can’t afford a Solicitor or Barrister
and so wish to represent yourself you are a “litigant in person” (LIP). LIPs have the right to use a McKenzie Friend to give you reasonable assistance in preparing for and attending court.

This may include help with completing application forms, with correspondence, with the preparation of statements, as well as accompanying the litigant to court.

What a McKenzie Friend Can do

  • Help you draft all legal paperwork including pleadings, court orders, statements and applications before deadlines.
  • Provide Information to  you on the legal procedures, rules and processes during the case.
  • Assist you prepare your case and avoid common mistakes as a result.
  • Help draft letters and emails for you to send to the court and to the other side before they are due.
  • Attend court with you to offer moral support and take notes.
  • If the Judge allows it,the court may give me permission to speak on your behalf.

What a McKenzie Friend Can’t do

  • Accept papers/letters/emails from parties. (these will instead be sent to you and you will need to forward them to us).
  • Send papers/letters/emails to the court or other parties. (We will forward the documents/letters to you and you will need to forward them to the court)
  • Speak on your behalf in court (unless given permission to do so by the court)
  • Advise you on the legal merits of your case – only Solicitors & barristers do this.

Choosing a McKenzie Friend

It is essential that if you choose to use  a Professional McKenzie Friend who has legal Qualifications and is Registered with the Information Commissioners Office. It is also important your McKenzie Friend full6 understands all of the court rules and procedures. They should be able to talk with confidence about various routes that may take place in the family court.

Ourkidfirst McKenzie Friends have legal qualifications and are registered with the McKenzie Friend Organisation which is a collective of trusted McKenzie Friends. We are also paralegals and mediators.

Mckenzie Friends should be non judgmental and have no gender bias. They should be willing to support any parent who genuinely wants to be an important role model for their child.

If you wish a free consultation text or call on 07954790808 and we discuss starting your case for free with you. . Click here for how  can help you and here for our fees.

Please see the current practice direction from the Courts on the use of McKenzie Friends. This details the rules in which we can operate as we are not a Solicitor or Barrister. https://www.judiciary.gov.uk/wp-content/uploads/JCO/Documents/Guidance/mckenzie-friends-practice-guidance-july-2010.pdf